Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moving into Mahidol! (The School)

My first Thai school lunch!

There was a salamander in our dorm room! It freaked me out! It was big and black! Tukta came to help look for it. She couldn't find it. It's still a mystery. Ana and I named the salamander Mahidol, after the school.

My side of the room! Right by the air conditioning! Living out of my suitcase!

Thankfully the Thais were up for pizza that first night! It was raining out, so we couldn't go out for dinner. The pizza in Thailand doesn't have tomato sauce and the cheese is imitation or something . . . WEIRD! Not to mention the toppings!

The seafood pizza is one of the most popular in Thailand! I actually liked it!


Joel D. Donna said...

Thanks for the great updates. Makes me wish I was back there. BTW the nurse has some great pills that take care of any food ills you may have.

If you get sick of Thai food for breakfast (which I did) go to the little market in the school and get some yogurt with cereal and then some fresh fruit. If only they had real coffee. But yeah... hot.

Make sure to say hi to Pat for me, Ms. Amporn, Mr. Supon, Mr. Kittypong, and Mr. Poo (all the spellings are wrong, but you say it, they may figure it out) and the rest of the physics department.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

You are doing such a great job with posting updates on the interweb! I am suffering from jealousy of titanic proportions (regarding you being in Thailand, not your blogging).

Unknown said...

The food you show here doesn't look too bad... Definitely not what I would want to eat everyday though! Hope you don't get too skinny, for my own selfish reasons of course. Dove models forever right??!?! : )

Unknown said...

OMG, your school lunch looks delicious! Thai is my favorite food, so I'm super jealous!

Special K said...

What is it with gourmet school lunches everywhere but the states?! Most of the weight I gained here was from the amazing foods and variety (=try a little of everything) of all my school lunches! Enjoy it while you can!