Sunday, June 24, 2007

LAST Blog Update: Toilet Sweet Toilet

My first meal back was Breugger's! It was the best bagel sandwich I've had in my life!

Perhaps the greatest thing about being home is my nice, clean bathroom. I never appreciated it until now!

The blog is over!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Final days in Bangkok!

After the night bazaar on Thursday, tuk-tuk drivers were competing for our business. One literally jumped on Anders! It was kind of scary. We finally squeezed 5 people in ONE TUK-TUK! What an adventure!

Dad, I took this picture for you! The power lines in Bangkok could really use your help!

We had to take a river boat to the Grand Palace!

Nim told us that she'd seen people fall off--luckily none of us did.

One of Anders' goals was to drink out of a bag in Thailand. He succeeded today. Chai Yen!

Farong! ("Foreigner" in Thai)

Us at the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha!

Anders is a "long man"! (That's what his masseuse told him!)

We went shopping on the famous Khao San Road in Bangkok!

Wow. I haven't laughed that hard in a really long time. Thanks for pointing this out Brian. (The Thais with us couldn't figure out why we were laughing so hard!)
We went out for Korean food for our last meal in Thailand--go figure. Anders ordered the sea bass--it was terrific!
The last supper! We ate a LOT!

After dinner, it was back to the room for packing. We DESTROYED the hotel room! It was hard to know where to even START!

My motorcycle wound still hasn't healed after 7 days. Do you think this is going to leave a scar? I'd hate to remember Thailand this way.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kata Beach

The beach was gorgeous, and only a 2 minute walk from where we were staying!

We got another massage but this time they made Anders take off his swimsuit! The women got such a kick out of the fact that he wasn't wearing underwear. Poor Anders couldn't relax because he had to make sure the towel was in place the whole time! I laughed so hard!

We ate lunch at the same seafood place because they had the best crab!

We also played mini golf to kill time before we had to head back to the airport.
No pictures of me in this post . . . WHAT?! :)

Last night in Phuket

The best crab I've eaten in my entire life! Dad, you would be so jealous!

Anders got his first Pad Thai!

This was in it! Gross! He ate it . . . I wouldn't have.

Then we went for a Thai massage. Anders stubbed his toe earlier in the day and this woman tried to "help" it. I have never seen Anders in so much pain! Wow! I felt so bad for him.

I also captured this part of the massage . . . they have interesting techniques here, don't you think?

It took the Thai "bartender" around 15-20 minutes to make a long island iced tea. She even brewed tea . . . ??? One even had to hop on a motor bike to trade a bottle of coke for a sprite for Anders' drink. It was CRAZY!

We went to a "bar" called the "69 Bar". It turned out to be a sex shop. We had a drink anyways.

We met a Thai prostitute who has to "go with men" (as she said) in order to earn money so her two younger brothers can go to school. She's only 23. It was really sad. I was so close to crying. I gave her some money before we left. What a sad life. She told me she was not happy. How could she be?

Phi Phi Island Tour

This picture was taken moments after our speedboat hit a shark . . . we killed it!

Maya Bay, where "The Beach" was filmed. Sadly, I didn't see Leo anywhere.

I got drenched!

So did Anders!

It was gorgeous!

The water was clear and so greenish! It was breathtaking!

I can't believe I actually took this picture! I should go into the postcard business!

Viking Cove!

Anders is a terrific photographer!

I fed the monkeys bananas on Monkey Island!

Anders and I discovered thousands of hermit crabs on another island!

I thought the beach was calm and still, but I soon realized that it was moving! (Well, the hermit crabs were!)

I snorkeled a little! Too bad I don't have an underwater camera like Brian.

The water looked so sparkly!

Here's a close-up of one of the little guys!

It was a perfect day! We lucked out with the weather considering that it's monsoon season right now in Thailand!

The Rainforest! Welcome to Southern Thailand!

Anders spotted this adorable little crab! We heard there were cobras around, so we were careful.
Anders: "I feel like you have to be in pretty good shape to do this."

It was raining in the rainforest, go figure!

Anders: "If I sent this into ABC, do you think I could get onto Survivor?"

At times we had to do some dangerous things to get around. I'm glad you weren't there Mom, you would have died.

Cute picture . . . there's a waterfall in the background that you can't see though! :*(

This one!

I had never seen roots like that in my life!

There were so many waterfalls that we found! Exploring the rainforest was definitely a highlight of the trip for both of us!