Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back to Bangkok!

I look like a giant in this picture compared to Tiny Tukta!

I gave her a fake Prada t-shirt as a gift for helping me so much. She loved it! (Don't worry, I got her lots of other gifts too). Thais love brand name things!

At the Tai Pan hotel I finally got what I was craving: A Grilled Cheese sandwich. Ask Ana, it's all I've been talking about for 3 weeks. Thais don't eat cheese, my favorite food!!

Ana wanted a pedicure . . . look at that attention!!

I got a haircut . . . the nervous-looking smile is accurate--I was scared!! Ana said, "Hair grows back!" right before I started, so no wonder I was nervous!

I couldn't believe it--TWO people worked on me the entire time!!

The finished product! I LOVE IT! Like I said, best $8 I've ever gotten! Maybe the best haircut ever, period!!


Unknown said...

love your haircut!

Special K said...

you are so cute! That's so brave, too, to risk a haircut in another country!

Anonymous said...

it's adorable.