Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chemistry lesson on Wednesday Morning

Thank goodness for Tukta.

Look at this student working so hard to measure out his acid . . . WITHOUT HIS GOGGLES?!!!!!

The Thai students are hard-working!

So I made them do a lot of work . . . heh heh heh (evil laugh)

I had a great time teaching!

Ana and I outside of our dorm room! The landscaping is very different here!


HaleyShouts said...

"Carol never wore her safety goggles, now she doesn't need them."

Ok that was a little evil. I want to hear all your stories when you get back though! Happy travels with Anders!

Unknown said...

Shouldn't the teacher (AKA, YOU) have yelled at the kid for not wearing his goggles???

NEC said...

I'm so glad to see goggles are ugly the world over!